
  • God is richly blessing Holy Lamb! His work among us is nothing less
    than astounding. Allow me to share just a few of His marvelous works that
    jump out at me as I sit here in the office.

  • I am going to begin sending a weekly Pause with Pastor email/snail mail. The first addition will follow this Newsletter.

  • Given the exponential rise in Covid 19 cases in Horry County, it is essential that we all engage in behavior that keeps us and others safe.

  • We are moving forward with plans to facilitate on-site worship in formats that ensure our safety while affording an opportunity for some level of fellowship.

  • This years midweek Lenten services will focus on the Wittenberg Alterpiece above the alter in St. Mary's church in Wittenberg Germany.

  • Pastor recovering from illness and invitation to attend spaghetti dinner to raise funds for hurricane relief in Puerto Rico.