
  • Things are certainly beginning to look up with the availability of the COVID vaccines spreading. We are taking into consideration a variety of factors on deciding when in-person worship indoor should begin. As we do this we are asking for your feedback and ideas regarding the plan.

  • As we enter this Lenten season, we are marking one year of worship outside of our Sanctuary. This is not a milestone any of us anticipated. The news is changing so rapidly that I can’t even comment on the latest because it will be outdated by the time you read this.

  • It is an understatement that has been repeated too often to say that
    this year is unlike any we have ever experienced. And the impact will be
    felt long after we have all been vaccinated, when our masks are
    gathering dust in the closet, and we are Dining with Friends once again.

  • With the Covid numbers in Horry County climbing to levels not seen since July, and the full impact of Thanksgiving weekend still to come, it seems unrealistic to anticipate Christmas Eve worhip in our Sanctuary.

  • Advent is upon us. 

    The Sunday morning 9:00 AM series will focus on the following themes:

    11/29 Hope

    12/6 Love

    12/13 Joy

    12/20 Peace

  • We have shown a determined commitment to continuing and even expanding our ministry in the face of this challenge - we have improvised, adapted, and overcome. 

  • As we re-engage in indoor worship, I pray that you will remember that, in spite of the abnormalities, our worship service is, in fact, a celebration of the true New Normal to come.

  • Just as we have discovered new ways to eat out, new ways to worship and new ways to engage in Bible study, so also we have a whole list of new tasks in the church.