
8/4 Eleventh S a Pentecost


Eternal life and spititual well-being. Is it really free?

It is offered as a gift from heaven.

7/21Nineth S a Pentecost


Holy Lamb welcomes President and Mrs. Harmon this morning!

What you have today isn't always who you are. Once you were living apart from God. Now He has drawn you near. We have Jesus always anf forever.

7/14 Eighth S a Pentecost


Praise God for all He has done for us. 

We are adopted by God through our Baptism.

God had chosen us to be a priestly people.

To Him be glory and praise.

7/07 Seventh S a Pentecost


A thorn in the side. What was Paul talking about?

Poor eyesite? He was humbled by his thorn. It was God's will that Paul should suffer like this. He wants us to be dependent on Him. What issues bother you?



6/30 Sixth S a Pentecost


Your faith can make you well, Go in peace.


6/16 Fourth S a Pentecost


Vicar Tim lead our service this morning.

Focus on God and what He has done for us.

Our current trials are temporary. Live by faith in Jesus.



6/9 Third S a Pentecost


Pastor Josh Keinath leads us in worship today.

How doe's a seed grow? We have no control over it.

This is what the kingdom of God is like.

Jesus is in control of all things.


6/2 Second S a Pentecost


Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy.

What doe's God expect from us on Sunday?

To remember what He has done for us.


5/26 The Holy Trinity


Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

A mystery to be believed more then to be understood.


5/19 The Day of Pentecost


The spirit is poured out on everyone. We are the great commission to serve in God's name.


Sermon Archive

We believe in the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit

We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross so that we may have everlasting life through him.