Bible study this week
Sunday @ 9:15am | Bible Study between services | Ephesians
Tuesday @ 9:00am | Adult Bible Study | Ephesians
Thursday @ 6:30pm | Women's Bible study | The Book Of Luke
Upcoming Dates
Day Trip to Georgetown
November 2nd - 11am
Family game night
Saturday November 2nd - Fellowship hall - 4:00pm
CCU Football
November 23 - $45
Thanksgiving Day Potluck
November 28 - 1:00 PM
The turkey and ham will be provided. We are asking folks to bring a side dish or dessert.
Microbrew Group
November 30 - Independent Republic Brewing Co.
Cantata at Risen Christ
December 15 - 4:00 pm
Risen Christ would like to invite Holy Lamb to participate with them
in singing this year’s “Canticles in Candlelight”.
December 28 - 4:00 pm
Dining with Friends
January 28 - Rotellis Pizza, Conway