
  • The definition of effective outreach puts it this way:
    Effective outreach is the “planting and watering”
    cf. 1 Corinthians 3:5-9) through which a congregation intentionally
    engages non-churched people in ways that offer appropriate and
    appealing entry points (other than worship services and traditional
    Bible studies) that encourage non-churched people to participate in
    the Word and Sacrament ministry* of the congregation.

  • A new roof has just been installed on our entire building. This is, nominally, a 40-year roof, although I have never seen a roof actually last as long as promised. Nevertheless, all of our roof surfaces are now on the same schedule. Unless we have additional storm damage, we should be set for
    several decades.

  • As we conclude our second year of dealing with Covid, it is worth noting how Holy Lamb has responded to this challenge. Here are some of the significant developments driven by our desire to continue an effective ministry in this new environment:

  • This is an exciting time to be a part of the life and ministry of Holy Lamb. I have never been in a congregation that has made such an intentional effort to identify various needs of congregation and community and then, just as intentionally, seek to discern God’s will in determining how to meet those needs.

  • What is the purpose of the church?

    Why does the church exist?

    How can Holy Lamb fulfill the answers to these questions?

  • Now, as we look to the new year, Holy Lamb has unprecedented opportunities to move forward in ministry as we have never had before, or at least as long as I’ve been here (16+ years).

    Our Lord has blessed us with resources of all kinds in the form of a strong and dedicated group of longtime members who have and continue to bless us with their tireless efforts; new members with new ideas and abilities; a financial picture that continues to improve beyond anything we could have imagined 10 years ago; and a site and building more than adequate to expand our ministry activities.

  • On Wednesday, January 5th, we will resume our Wednesday evening Bible studies at 6:30. We will begin with a look at Luther’s 95 Theses. Luther intended these statements as an invitation to debate theology. It turned into a conflict that led to the Reformation, yet few people have any idea what those 95 statements said. Come and learn what all the fuss was about.

  • As we approach this Thanksgiving holiday, many of us may think we have little for which to be thankful. But Jesus has given us every reason to be thankful: his constant presence with us in this life, and the assurance of our presence with him in the life to come.

  • Let’s begin to think outside-the-box as we consider how we might renew, restore, or recreate our ministry activities. We have a large property. Perhaps outside-the-box thinking includes outside-the-building thinking. The years that we held our Summer Camp, we had a large tent set up on the left side of the building to expand our space. We have demonstrated an ability and willingness, even a desire for outdoor worship.
    We live in a climate that allows for outdoor activities for most of the year.

  • As the Covid numbers increase due to the Delta variant, we are learning that even those who have been vaccinated are, once again, at risk. While they will likely not suffer significant symptoms, they are still able to pass the infection to others who may not be vaccinated – including children who are not eligible for vaccination. This raises the question, “What is the responsible behavior of a Christian in these circumstances?”