
  • The hymns in Lutheran Service Book are not about us, and very seldom about our feelings and wants. Our hymns lift up the Gospel of Jesus Christ and set our sights on heaven. That’s as it should be.

  • Christ Is Risen I was once a naïve freshman at Concordia College, New

    York. Back from Easter break everyone was shouting, “Christ is

    risen.” It was as if a verbal case of measles gone rogue. Someone kindly

    explained it to me.

  • On Easter, we gather to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Easter is our victory festival. Sin, death and Satan could not keep Jesus in the grave.

  • Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, and
    yes, we all know it’s also Valentines Day. We’ll assume you all know
    how to tell that certain someone that you love them.

  • Here, today in 2024, we are still faithfully reading the scriptures and sift-
    ing through the teachings which give us our identity as the children of

    God. In 2024 we are still devoted to the faithful preaching Gospel of
    Jesus Christ and praying for his return in glory.

  • It’s Christmas time. No doubt you’ll get a few Christmas cards with
    traditional depictions of the Child Jesus, Joseph and his Mother Mary—
    the history of our Savior according to Matthew and Luke, as illustrated
    by St. Francis. But John from the very beginning took a different
    approach. He bears witness to the meaning of Jesus’ entrance into our

  • November: one month to go. It’s countdown time; countdown to
    Thanksgiving, countdown to Black Friday, countdown to
    Christmas. The first Sunday in November celebrates All Saints’and
    we get an extra hour of sleep on November 5. That’s all well and
    good, but it also signals to pastors that there is three weeks until the
    Feast of Christ the King.

  • What hasn’t been said up to this point is that the service outline continues to preserve a Lutheran -ized version of the Latin Mass. Just as the sacred scriptures preserve for us the Word of God, so the Divine Service preserves among us Christian tradition and the Lord’s Supper. There are some things you just don’t play with. More on that next time: and I promise, not so long.

  • During this time of pastoral vacancy, may our Lord continue to bless this congregation with wise leaders, capable volunteers and eager workers. In all things may Jesus be honored and adored.

  • Holy Lamb is a congregation of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Through this synod, we operate colleges and seminaries, schools and high schools, and of course Concordia Publishing House.