
  • Let’s begin to think outside-the-box as we consider how we might renew, restore, or recreate our ministry activities. We have a large property. Perhaps outside-the-box thinking includes outside-the-building thinking. The years that we held our Summer Camp, we had a large tent set up on the left side of the building to expand our space. We have demonstrated an ability and willingness, even a desire for outdoor worship.
    We live in a climate that allows for outdoor activities for most of the year.

  • As the Covid numbers increase due to the Delta variant, we are learning that even those who have been vaccinated are, once again, at risk. While they will likely not suffer significant symptoms, they are still able to pass the infection to others who may not be vaccinated – including children who are not eligible for vaccination. This raises the question, “What is the responsible behavior of a Christian in these circumstances?”

  • NEWS FROM PASTORS VACATION:  Since my column this month includes pictures with captions which would have taken significant work to format and fit into the regular newsletter, my column is in an attached pdf document. Go ahead and read it and laugh with, and at me. That experience was on Wednesday, July 20th.

  • New opportunities abound at Holy Lamb:


    • Worship is now available at any time! If you are sick, you can still join in worship. How about this for a new habit: Never miss another worship service, regardless of when or where you might worship?


    • Bible study is no longer limited to the Fellowship Hall at a specific time.

  • The coronavirus numbers for Horry County have been excellent! We have been well under 20 new cases per day for more than a month; we did not see an upward spike following Memorial Day; and there has been no overall increase with the rising tourist population. 

  • We are opening our worship services without any mandatory limits or restrictions.
    However, in this time of Covid awareness, every person has his/her own unique comfort level. We ask that each of us recognize this and extend common courtesies to each other, even if we don’t share the same concerns.

  • It appears that we have one more thing to rejoice and thank God for: the plague of the coronavirus has been significantly diminished!

  • As we re-engage in worship indoors, may our focus be on Christ and his work on our behalf; and may our concern be for the needs of our fellow worshipers.

  • The day has finally arrived! After more than a year of absence, we
    are returning to our Sanctuary for worship. Alleluia! I expect that Israel
    was no more excited about returning to the temple after their captivity in
    Babylon than we are as we return to our Sanctuary.

  • We are opening for inside Worship on Maundy Thursday, April 1st. 7:00 – In the Sanctuary, with Communion, open to those who have registered, and online.