
  • I’ve always found the number 40 in Scripture fascinating. It
    marks times of testing, transition, and transformation. Think about
    it: Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness before leading God’s
    people out of Egypt.

  • As I reflect on the life of the early church recorded in Acts 2:42, I’m struck by the simplicity and strength of their community. Picture it: a small, dedicated group of believers gathering in homes, united by their faith in Jesus.

  • As the calendar turns to January, we step into a new year filled

    with fresh opportunities, resolutions, and hope for what lies

    ahead. For the Church, this season also marks the celebration of

    Epiphany—a time when we remember the revelation of Jesus

    Christ to the world.

  • Dear Holy Lamb Family,
    As we enter the season of Advent, we’re invited into a time of
    joyful anticipation, a season rich in meaning and filled with
    reminders of God’s faithful promises.

  • It warmed the hearts of the call committee to see such a wonderful turnout on Wednesday Evening's Call Service.

  • Reading around in the Lutheran literature, Bible studies, catechetical
    material, etc., you will inevitably bump into the term “means of

  • The way Lutherans worship is traditional; the orders of service in our worship book preserve the best of our worship tradition.

  • My Bibles are a mess; but not all of them.

    As you can imagine a Lutheran pastor has a number of Bibles, in various translations.

    The ones that are well used, written in, highlighted, and whose spines are falling off are the ones I’m writing about. The last one whose spine is about to give way is itself a replacement.

  • Repeatedly the Children of Israel disregarded the words of the Lord
    God and the instructions handed down to them through his servant,
    Moses. “Repeatedly” might be an understatement.

  • By the time you read this you will notice that the altar is decked in green, as it will be through-out the summer, unless a festival falls on a Sunday. This year September 29th falls on a Sunday; that’s the feast of St. Michael and All Angels. The assigned color is white.