Welcome to Holy Lamb Lutheran Church!

A message from our pastor

Greetings in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ…

Whether you are a long-time resident, a new arrival, or here in Myrtle Beach for an extended stay, I’m glad you chose to visit our website, and cordially extend an invitation to come worship with us.


We see our church as a family. A place where you're known and supported in a community that thrives on both warmth and connection.


We aim to be a haven for all who seek refuge from life's storms. A safe harbor where you can explore your faith, grow in God's Word, and be supported by a warm, caring church family.  


May His peace be with you, now and always.


-Pastor Kirchoff




Holy Lamb is a small friendly church. You can expect a warm welcome when you arrive.  When you pull into our parking area, you’ll find reserved parking for visitors.





As you enter the church, our ushers will welcome you, provide a bulletin for you and answer any questions you may have about our service.


We invite you to attend our Christ-centered worship and a study of God’s Word with us.


Children are always welcome. We include a children's message in our service to bring the joy and comfort of the Gospel to them in words and concepts they can understand. 




We use a traditional liturgical order of worship in which God gives grace in the Gospel and we respond in faith, hope, and love.


We use a printed order of service and hymnal, accompanied by an organ or piano.


Our worship is shaped by the Gospel.


Our members constantly feel the weight of the week’s sins lifted as we confess our sins in a prayer together with the congregation. Then we hear the pastor preach the Gospel, telling us again that our sins are forgiven because of Christ alone.


Our worship has specific prayers as part of the service.


Worship includes a prayer of adoration, a prayer of confession of sin, a pastoral prayer for the needs of the congregation and government leaders, and a prayer of thanksgiving. 


Our worship includes lots of Scripture reading throughout the service.


There are readings from the Old and New Testaments, Psalms, Epistles, and Gospels. Hearing so much Scripture read in church is like being washed in God’s Word.


Our worship includes the pastor preaching both the law and the gospel from the Bible.


A good sermon doesn’t just tell us about what happened in the past. A good sermon helps us to understand our life as a part of God’s story. A good sermon focuses on what Jesus did—and is doing—to save sinners. A good sermon shows us why Jesus had to die. A good sermon shows us how to respond in faith, hope, and love.


Our worship recites creeds.


If you have never been in a church that recites a creed like the Apostles’ Creed, then this is a great reason to visit. When we recite this creed, we recite something that reflects the basics of our faith.  We confess our common faith together. In this act we connect to the church past, present, and future. We are expressing the one faith that all Christians have confessed for generations.


Our worship sings old and new songs.


We love singing old songs, because they remind us of the different cultures and time periods in which God worked. We love singing new songs, because they remind us that the faith is still living, that Christianity is still vibrant today, and that God is still working.


Every Easter you can get excited about singing “I Know That My Redeemer Lives”.


Our worship expresses a range of emotions.


Like the Psalms, you will have a chance to mourn, to praise, and to give thanks for what God has given us.


When you come to Holy Lamb you get to express the feelings of joy and sorrow, praise and lament, repentance and faith.



From C. S. Lewis:   The perfect church service would be one we were almost unaware of;      our attention would have been on God. But every novelty prevents this. It fixes our attention on the service itself; and thinking about worship is a different thing from worshiping…


Thank You

Thank you for considering Holy Lamb as your church family.

We welcome you to a place of faith, friendship, and coastal peace.